数字化标准机芯,低功耗低噪声。 中波红外制冷型640×512数字化机芯组件,采用数字读出、数字传输和数字图像处理技术,是红外成像系统中的核心部件,可以提高红外热像系统的集成度和抗电磁干扰能力,同时能提升红外热像系统的各项性能指标。在夜视装备、热像观瞄、武器导引、防空监视及红外识别等领域均有广泛应用。
Standard digital infrared camera core with low power consumptions and less noise. The digital cooled MWLR 640×512 15μm camera core is designed with digital output, digital transmission and Image Signal Processing(ISP), forms the core of infrared imaging system. Those techniques allow system to enhance the integration and anti-electromagnetic interference ability while improving multiple performances in IR imaging. This product can be widely applied in soldier night vision solutions, thermal sights, weapon designation, airspace surveillance and infrared signature recognition tasks.