
X射线准直器是基于微通道板技术开发的一款新品,可对2-50KeV的X射线进行光学准直,广泛应用于深空探测、航天导航、核爆诊断、医疗、安检、荧光分析等领域。 X射线准直器是一种高铅玻璃材质的薄片,内部包含数百万个微米级尺寸的准直通道, 其基于角度灵敏性原理,利用准直通道内壁高含铅量和高粗糙度实现对杂散X射线的吸收,利用准直通道的高精度指向实现对X射线的光学准直。与传统的金属型X射线准直器相比,微通道板型X射线准直器的分辨率更高,更加轻量化,并且可以实现更大面积阵列的拼接,因此具有更加广泛的应用前景。

X-ray collimator is a new product developed based on microchannel plate technology. It can optically collimate X-rays of 2-50KeV. It is widely used in deep space exploration, aerospace navigation, nuclear explosion diagnosis, medical treatment, security inspection, and fluorescence analysis. and other fields. The X-ray collimator is a thin sheet made of high lead glass, which contains millions of micron-sized collimation channels. It is based on the principle of angle sensitivity and is realized by the high lead content and high roughness of the inner wall of the collimation channel. For the absorption of stray X-rays, the high-precision pointing of the collimation channel is used to realize the optical collimation of X-rays. Compared with the traditional metal-type X-ray collimator, the micro-channel plate-type X-ray collimator has higher resolution, lighter weight, and can realize the splicing of larger-area arrays, so it has wider application prospects.

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张蓉 13951003003 zr@nvt.com.cn
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